
Monday, January 25, 2021

Nutritional Value of Eggs

There's a lot of substantiation that proves that consuming protein with every mess of the day helps in structure muscle mass in aged people. Eggs aren't precious, are available everyplace and are easy to digest. They're rich in high- quality protein and contain a good quantum of leucine. It's a type of amino acid, which is essential for muscle health. Piecemeal from this, vitamin-D and omega-3 adipose acids are also present in eggs. 
Eggs are considered the standard against which all other protein foods are measured. An whole egg in a week is healthy for our health.

Nutrition value of eggs

Carbohydrates- 0.6 gm

Calories- 70-80 cal

Protein - 5-8 gm high quality 
white portion contains 3.5 gm
yellow portion contains 2.8 gm
Contains 9 essential amino acids

Total Fatty acids- 5 gm
                Mono saturated fat: 2.0 gm
                Ploy saturated fat : 0.7 gm
                Saturated fat : 1.5 gm          
Cholesterol- 213 mg

Choline- valuable for brain development.
Lutein- antioxidant
Zeaxanthin- antioxidant
Omega 3 fatty acids


Vitamin A- 270 IU
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B12- 0.45 mg
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6 - 0.08 mg
Vitamin D- 41 IU
Vitamin E
Vitamin K


Phosphorus- 99 mg
Calcium- 28 mg
Potassium- 69 mg
Iron- 0.8 mg

Eggs are very essential for our health because it contains almost all types nutrition required for the normal health. It is cheap to by and very easy to use in daily life.


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