Daily Routine for School Students - Health and Nutrition



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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Daily Routine for School Students

Daily routine

Routine life is very important in all aspects. If the beginning starts with a healthy routine and punctual life it helps to lead a good life in the future. So always try to follow the daily routine. It is also helpful for the study and gets more marks in the examination.

 Daily routine for school students:-

05.00am - 05.15am - Exercises, Meditation
05.15am - 06.00am - Hindi, Word Meaning
06.00am - 07.00am - English
07.00am - 08.00am - Breakfast
08.00am - 02.00pm - School Time
02.00pm - 03.00pm - Lunch and rest time
03.00pm - 04.00pm - Mathematics
04.00pm - 05.00pm - GK, Urdu/Sanskrit
05.00pm - 06.00pm - Outdoor Games
06.00pm - 07.00pm - Tea Time
07.00pm - 08.00pm - Social Science
08.00pm - 09.00pm - General Science
09.00pm - 09.15pm - Dinner
09.15pm - 10.00pm - Tv
10.00pm - 05.00am - Sleeping Time

Important Note:-

Brain function is maximum in the early morning.
Proper sleep for at least 6 - 8 hours is necessary.

Early morning exercise and meditation are necessary for maximum oxygen supply for the brain and body.

Proper balance diet with salad mixed with green raw vegetables.

More oxygen is necessary for proper energy supply and to prevent cancer and other diseases.

Fruits at least 500gm is per day are very necessary.
Prayers may be included according to our religion in between the routine.

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