What is cancer: How to prevent cancer? - Health and Nutrition



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Sunday, January 2, 2022

What is cancer: How to prevent cancer?


What is cancer?

Cancer is also called neoplasia.
Neoplasia or cancer is an abnormal mass of tissues, the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated and persists in the same excessive manner even after cessation of the stimuli.

Prevalence of cancer

Most common cancers 

worldwide :

Lung cancer > breast cancer > colorectal cancer 

In developing countries :


Lungs > stomach > liver/gallbladder > oral
Females -
Cervix > breast > stomach > lungs > oral

In developed countries :

Males -

Lungs > prostate > colorectal > stomach > urinary bladder 

Females -

Breast > colorectal > lungs > stomach > cervix 

Most common cancer causing death:

Males- lungs 
Females - breast

Common cancers in males:-

Prostate cancer- most common 28%- associated with smoking, chewing tobacco 
Oral cancer- associated with chewing tobacco 
Lung cancer- associated with smoking 
Colon cancer-associated with smoked food eating habits 
Urinary bladder Cancer- associated with chewing tobacco 
Skin cancer- associated with exposure to UV rays

Common cancers in females:-

Breast cancer - most common 28% worldwide 
Ovarian cancer - 
Cervical cancer- associated  with HPV, HSV2
Oral cancer- associated with tobacco.
Uterine cancer- associated with estrogen replacement therapy,  nulliparity
Lung cancer - associated with smoking, pollutions.

So please keep yourself away from the cancer-causing risk factors.

How to reduce cancer risk and prevention?

  1. Ensure a smoke-free locality around you to prevent lung cancers. 
  2. Ensure a pollution-free environment to prevent skin and lung cancers. 
  3. Ensure tobacco-free civilization to prevent oral cancers. 
  4. Ensure alcohol-free circles o prevent hepatic cancers. 
  5. Enjoy a healthy diet with lots of antioxidants 
  6. Be physically active.
  7. Avoid too many ultraviolet Ray exposures to prevent skin cancers. 
  8. Promote breastfeeding prevents breast cancers. 
  9. Vaccinate against hepatitis B to prevent hepatic cancers.
  10. Vaccinate against HPV and HSV2 to prevent cervical cancers.
  11. Practice safe sex to stop HIV
  12. Last but not least is screening for early detection of cancers saves many lives.
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This blog gives general data and conversations about well-being and related subjects. The data and other substance is given in this blog, or in any connected materials, are not planned and ought not to be interpreted as clinical counsel, nor is the data a substitute for proficient clinical ability or treatment.
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Last but not least is screening for early detection of cancers saves many lives.

stop cancers


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