
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Glycemic Index foods

Glycemic Index,Glycemic Index

Foods With Low Glyemic Index 

Glycemic Index measures how a carbohydrate containing food raises sugar level in blood in comparison with reference glucose taken within 2 hours. 

Glycemic Index values range from 0 to 100

Low GI value means less than 55
High GI value means more than 70

Low Glycemic Index  value foods are suitable for Diabetic Patients.

Food with low GI value are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolized and therefore cause a lower and slower rise in level of blood glucose and keep its level consistent.A diet focused on foods with low GI value is very much helpful in managing obesity related problems like high blood sugar , high blood pressure, low back pain, arthritis, heart diseases, gallstone diseases, Insulin resistant Diabetes mellitus ie type 2 diabetes mellitus,etc
So have a glance on glycemic index of different types of food and fruits that you are eating  and try to manage your diet plan accordingly and keep yourself healthy and fit.

Foods With High Glycemic Index 

  • High sugar beverage
  • Candy
  • White Rice
  • White pasta
  • Sweetened fruit juice
  • Backed potato
  • French fries
  • Pizza
  • Fruits like raisins, pumpkin, pineapple etc

Foods With Low Glyemic Index 

  • Stone-ground whole wheat
  • Oatmeal
  • Pasta
  • Sweet potato, Corn, legumes, lentils Peas
  • Most fruits
  • vegetables
  • Carrots

Few foods are having GI values less than 10:-

  • Kidney and Black beans
  • Cereals made with 100% bran
  • Whole grain breads
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Lentils
  • Milk

Few vegetables with GI values less than 10:-

  • Carrot
  • Radish
  • Green peas
  • Tomato juice

Fruits With Low Glycemic Index 

GI values of these fruits In Increasing order:-
  • cherries
  • grapefruit
  • dried apricots
  • pear
  • apples
  • oranges
  • plums
  • strawberries
  • peaches

Few fruits with GI values less than 10:-

  • Grapefruits
  • Apples
  • Cashews
  • Peanuts
  • watermelon

So by knowing the GI values of food whatever you are eating, you can roughly manage the rise or fall of sugar level in your blood. Everyone can benefit from understanding and monitoring the glycemic load in their diet. Because the food you eat have a great impact on your health. All better knows the bad impact on your body with high sugar level in your blood. So by curtailing the foods with high  GI values in your diet you can keep all the metabolic diseases away like diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction etc. You also have to know that how much diet you need according to your weight, height and work profile, ie Recommended dietary allowance (RDA).


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