
About Us

About us

Hello my dear Friends,

This is Dr Nasir. This is my blog I am a doctor by profession. I am trying to serve the people with my best diagnosis and advise regarding their health issues. In professional period of my life I learned lots of things about the communicable and noncommunicable diseases in the society. In this blog I just wanted to share about these diseases and health problems. These health issues can be prevented before its manifestations by just changing the lifestyle, food habits, nutrition and social behaviour.

Its my passion to approach the people with whatever the experiences or knowledge extracted from my profession.This is the reason I decide to write the blog so that I can help the community with my best experiences. 

As prevention is always better than cure, Life Style Diseases are better be prevented before it's manifestations.

You are always welcome to suggest me or any query regarding the respective topics. Please write me in my mail I will respond you as soon as possible.

Always feel free to contact.

Thank you

About us:-

Name - Dr Md Nasir

City- Katihar

State - Bihar

Country - India

Pin Code - 855113



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