What is diabetes? How to Control Diabetes Naturally? - Health and Nutrition


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Monday, January 3, 2022

What is diabetes? How to Control Diabetes Naturally?



What is diabetes, how can it be controlled?

In the recent past, diabetes has emerged as a disease that is spreading rapidly among people in the world.  It is engulfing people ranging from children to old people.  According to the WHO, the number of patients suffering from this disease has increased nearly 4 times in the last 30 years.  According to government statistics, 77 million people in the country suffer from diabetes.  In such a situation, it is very important to know what is diabetes and how to avoid it and reduce its effects.  
According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 463 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide as of 2020, of which 88 million are from southeast Asia. And of these 88 million, 77 million belong to India.

What is diabetes mellitus?

When the body is unable to absorb the amount of sugar present in the bloodstream, it causes a condition of diabetes. Whenever a person eats something, the body breaks down carbohydrates and converts them into glucose in order to digest it.  The insulin hormone is then released from the beta-cells of vital organs of the pancreas.  As soon as this signal is received, the body cells try to utilize glucose with the help of insulin.  This creates energy for all metabolic activity in the body.  But either due to insulin resistance or decreased insulin production, glucose is increased in the body. When the amount of blood sugar in the body becomes high, the risk of diabetes increases more.  

What are the possible causes of diabetes?

1. Hereditary:-

The genetic nature of diabetes is undisputed. 

2. Insulin deficiency:-

The main cause of diabetes is insulin deficiency. The insulin deficiency in diabetes type 1 is absolute but in diabetes type 2 insulin may be normal, decreased, or increased. The insulin deficiency may be due to pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplasia, defect in the synthesis of insulin, destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas due to infections or chemical agents, genetic defects like a mutation of the insulin gene, autoimmunity, etc. 

3. Insulin resistance:-

Insulin resistance plays a major role in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity especially central obesity is an important determinant of insulin resistance, the underlying abnormality in most cases of type 2 diabetes. 

4. Obesity:-

The basic cause of obesity is over-nutrition. A diet containing more energy than needed leads to prolonged postprandial hyperlipidemia and to deposition of triglycerides in adipose tissue resulting in obesity. The relation between severe obesity and premature death from diabetes is well established. It is clear that relative insulin resistance takes place in peripheral tissues, mainly adipose tissues, while the insulin secretion is normal or increased. The reduction in the sensitivity to insulin of the large adipocytes can be attributed to the decreased affinity of the insulin receptors or to a reduction in their number in the cell membrane. Thus there is impaired utilization of glucose in the cell leads to increased blood glucose levels and diabetes development. In some cases, obesity reduces the number of insulin receptors on the target cells.

5. Sedentary lifestyle:-

A sedentary lifestyle is an important risk factor for the development of diabetes. Lack of physical activity and exercise may alter the interaction between insulin and its receptors and may in turn lead to diabetes.

6. Deficiency of trace elements:-

It has been suggested that deficiencies of trace elements like chromium, copper, zinc may play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes.

7. Malnutrition:-

Protein deficiency may be involved n the pathogenesis f some forms of diabetes.

8. Alcohol:-

Excessive consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of diabetes by damaging the pancreas and liver and by promoting obesity.

9. Age:-

Although diabetes may develop at any age, research indicates that the prevalence of diabetes rises sharply with the increasing age of the individual. Type 2 diabetes usually comes to light in the middle years of life and thereafter begins to rise in frequency.

10. Autoimmunity:-

There is some evidence of both cell-mediated and humoral activity against the islet cells of Langerhans. Some people have defective immunological mechanisms and under the influence of some environmental triggering agent, attack their own beta cells.

11. Stress:-

What are the types of diabetes mellitus?

There are many types of diabetes disease.  

1. Type 1 - Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)

In type 1 diabetes people stop producing insulin hormones in the pancreas. This increases the amount of glucose in the blood due to a deficiency of insulin in the blood. At the same time, insulin is not produced as much as is required. 

2. Type 2 - Non insulin diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)

In type 2 diabetes, even after production, insulin is not able to function properly. This is mainly because of the resistance of insulin in the body's cell receptors. In type 2 diabetes the quantity of insulin in blood may be normal, decreased, or increased.

3. Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus (MRDM)

4. Secondary diabetes mellitus

5. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

6. Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)

What are the main clinical features of diabetes?

Sudden weight loss.

What are the prevention measures of diabetes? 

A balanced diet or exercise helps control blood sugar.  Diet should include fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, dry fruits.  According to the British National Health System, even people who do aerobics for 2.5 hours a week, such as walking fast or climbing stairs, can help control blood sugar levels. The most important reason for increasing sugar levels is a change in food.

What are the 15 Easy Steps to Control Diabetes Naturally?

1. Diet chart and quantity of food:  

The quantity of food that you eat in your regular meal should be less. The quantity of food is also a very important factor for the raised level of glucose and cholesterol. The less you eat the more you live. So try to eat less food. 
The most important reason for increasing sugar levels is a change in food. Patients should avoid eating things that can increase their blood sugar levels. Maintaining blood sugar levels is the most essential for people struggling with a dangerous disease like diabetes. The patient may also be in danger of life due to an increase in blood sugar level. 
Therefore, to keep it under control, doctors recommend patients make diet and sugar level charts. Catering should be taken care of to keep sugar levels under control. The proper diet chart should be followed advised by the dietitian. 

2. Selection of low glycemic index food:

The selection of food must be on the basis of its glycemic index. Make sure that the fruits and foods must be of a low glycemic index value.

3. Trigger autophagy:

This process of autophagy is known to have benefits in type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, and it is consequently an increasingly significant avenue of research. Earlier the year 2016, Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries about autophagy. A study reported that cyclical fasting helped to repair beta cells in mouse models of type 1 diabetes. This may be due to the fact that autophagy is often followed by a massive boost in stem cells that can replenish or replace beta cells destroyed by autoimmune processes with healthy cells. A ketogenic fasting-type diet was also shown to reduce risk factors for type 2 diabetes.
Junk Food

4. Say no to junk food: 

In recent years in this fast lifestyle, people have no time to take homemade proper diet, instead of that they always eat street junk food which contains more calories, saturated fats and oils.
Junk food is very harmful to everyone, but diabetes patients should avoid junk food completely.  Pizza, burgers, ice cream, etc. can increase your blood sugar level.  In this case, you should avoid eating them.

5. Bitter gourd controls sugar: 

Bitter gourd is a successful home remedy to control blood sugar levels.  Taking a glass of bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach daily in the morning keeps blood sugar levels under control and also can get rid of this disease soon.

6. Amla is beneficial: 

Amla juice is also very effective in controlling sugar.  Drinking amla juice in bitter gourd juice is very beneficial.

7. Fenugreek is beneficial: 

Fenugreek Plant
Fenugreek grains prove to be very beneficial for sugar patients.  Soaking fenugreek seeds in water overnight and awakening them on an empty stomach in the morning has unprecedented benefits. Fenugreek leaves and soft part of stem mixed with wheat flour to make bread are also beneficial recipes for diabetes
Jamun is beneficial: 
Jamun is very beneficial in reducing sugar levels.  Apart from berries, their leaves, seeds, and plum are also treated for diseases like sugar.  The seeds of berries should be ground and taken with water twice a day.  This greatly benefits.

8. Aloe vera reduces sugar: 


Aloe vera is also widely used in skin diseases.  Apart from this, aloe vera is also very beneficial in diabetes disease.  After soaking aloe vera leaves in a glass of water overnight, getting up in the morning and drinking it benefits greatly.

9. Hunza tea:

Hunza tea is a type of herbal tea. Controls Blood Sugar levels and is beneficial for diabetes. It is said that the more lifespan of those peoples is because of their lifestyle and feeding habits. They frequently used to take Hunza Tea instead of milk tea. The ingredients used in Hunza tea are regarded as very beneficial to control blood cholesterol level, blood sugar level, and to maintain body weight under control, thus it maintains body mass index, BMR in a healthy range.

10. Aerobic Exercises:

Different types of aerobic exercises and yoga have been recommended to control cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood. Morning brisk walk is very helpful. Always try to take stairs instead of a lift in an apartment. Increase the day-to-day activities by moving around and taking part in household works. Dancing is also very interesting and familiar among people worldwide. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle if you are either pre-diabetic or diabetic. 

11. Plenty of fluid and water:

Drinking plenty of fluid and water keeps the body hydrated and maintains metabolic activity. Especially warm water in the morning and after each meal is very beneficial in diabetes. Lukewarm water helps to maintain blood glucose and cholesterol level.

12. Almonds:

Almond helps in reducing body weight because it reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Thus almond helps to maintain a healthy range of basal metabolic rate, BMR. Fibres are also proven to maintain body weight. Almond controls sugar levels in the blood. So it is beneficial for type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is also beneficial for arthritis and other metabolic diseases like thyroid dysfunction etc

13. Beetroot:

Beetroot contains low calories and high nutrition with plenty of water and fibres. These proprieties are beneficial for the maintenance of body weight and BMR. Beetroot is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Containing fewer carbohydrates and saturated fats. It helps to control blood sugar levels and is hence good for diabetics. 

14. Stress-free lifestyle:

A type of personality person is more prone to develop lifestyle diseases like hypertension diabetes, etc. So sleep well and take less stress and live a better life.

15. Monitoring blood sugar level:

The monitoring sugar level is very essential to see the recent and present value of sugar in the blood. Fasting and postprandial blood glucose should be measured same day on a regular basis. For remote last 3 month's blood sugar value can be measured by knowing the value of glycosylated haemoglobin, HB1Ac value in blood.

Apart from the above discussion about the control and prevention of silent killer disease diabetes, people should consult with diabetes experts and dietitians for proper advice. As it is well known that diabetes is such a disease that can not be cured but it can be controlled and reversed only. No medicine, Ayurvedic products, or home tips can cure diabetes, it only controls diabetes. 

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