
Sunday, January 2, 2022

Vitamin D: Deficiency diseases, Home remedies and dosage

Vitamin D - Cholecalciferol
A person can remain healthy only when all the nutrients are present in his body.  Due to the lack of anyone, they can be vulnerable to disease.  Vitamin D deficiency is also one of these.  Please tell that sunshine is considered a natural source of vitamin D.  Apart from this, many foods are also considered helpful in meeting the deficiency of this vitamin.  Because of this people suffer from many troubles such as joint pain, lack of calcium in the body, weak immunity.  According to a study conducted some time ago, lack of vitamin D also increases the risk of diabetes.

Vitamin D is pro-hormone, or precursor of a hormone.
The nutritionally important forms of vitamin D in man are vitamin D2 and D3.

The chemical name of - 

Vitamin D2 is Calciferol- Calciferol may be derived from the plant sterol, ergosterol.
vitamin D3 is Cholecalciferol - Cholecalciferol is the naturally occurring preformed vitamin D which is found in animal fats and fish liver oils. 

Vitamin D helps our body get rid of many diseases.  However, when vitamin D is deficient in the body, it can prove dangerous for the person.  In such a situation it is necessary to keep a constant watch on its symptoms so that its deficiency can be recognized


  • fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna
  • egg yolks
  • cheese
  • beef liver
  • mushrooms
  • fortified milk
  • fortified cereals and juices

Clinical features of vitamin D deficiency -

1. Rickets: In children, vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesn't properly mineralize and there is reduced calcification of growing bones, leading to soft bones, skeletal deformities, muscular hypotonia, tetany, growth failure, and convulsions. 

2. Osteomalasia: In adults, vitamin D deficiency may result in osteomalacia which occurs mainly in women, especially during pregnancy and lactation when requirements of vitamin D are increased.

3. Pain:  Weakness in bones and constant pain in the muscles of different parts of the body.

4. Feeling tired and fatigued.

5. Hair loss:

6. Low mood: Mood change and depression may be seen.

7 Infection: 

8. Delayed and impaired wound healing: Injuries take much longer to heal.

9. Osteoporosis:

Complications of vitamin D deficiency:-

  • cardiovascular conditions
  • autoimmune problems
  • Allergy in children like asthma.
  • neurological diseases
  • infections
  • pregnancy complications
  • certain cancers, especially breast, prostate, and colon.

Causes of vitamin D deficiency:-

  •  Using sunscreen more than necessary.
  •  Chronic kidney disease.
  •  Living in a place where there is little sunlight or sunlight.
  •  Living in an environment with high pollution.
  •  Avoiding a diet rich in vitamin D.


People can measure vitamin D intake in micrograms (mcg) or international units (IU). One microgram of vitamin D is equal to 40 IU.

The recommended daily allowance ( RDA ) of vitamin D is as follows:

  • Infants 0–12 months: 400 IU (10 mcg).
  • Children 1–18 years: 600 IU (15 mcg).
  • Adults up to 70 years: 600 IU (15 mcg).
  • Adults over 70 years: 800 IU (20 mcg).
  • Pregnant or lactating women: 600 IU (15 mcg).

Home remedies to combat vitamin D deficiency:-

Vitamin D deficiency affects the body in many ways. A large number of people are struggling with this problem. This problem can be overcome with the help of easy home remedies.
During sun exposure, the skin produces vitamin D.

1. Sunshine - 

Sunshine is the main source of vitamin D. Take daily morning sunlight. This can help to
 overcome vitamin D deficiency to a large extent. Make a habit to go out of the house daily at least for 45 minutes. Sunshine also helps to control high blood sugar levels. 

2. Dairy products - 

Dairy products help in curing vitamin D deficiency.  For this, take milk, cow's milk, cheese, butter, buttermilk, etc. Curd should be consumed when there is a deficiency of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D deficiency can be overcome by taking curd.

3. Cod liver - 

Cod liver is also rich in vitamin D.  It removes bone weakness.

4. Carrot - 

Eating carrots is also beneficial when there is a deficiency of vitamin D.  It is better to drink carrot juice. Carrot is also a good source of vitamin A.

5. Salmon fish - 

Vitamin D deficiency is accomplished by eating salmon fish. If you cannot eat fish, include eggs in the diet.  Must eat yellow egg.

6. Fortified food - 

Increasing intake of fortified food with vitamin D, such as milk, margarine, vanaspati, infant foods, etc

7. Sunscreen lotion - 

Avoid excessive use of sunscreen lotion. 

8. Education - 

Educating parents to expose their children regularly to sunshine is one of the primary needs in society. Playing children outside the home in the sunshine instead of watching TV, video games, and online mobile games should be promoted.

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