
Sunday, January 2, 2022

What is Virus?

What is a virus?


Viruses are the connecting link between living and non-living beings.

Characteristics of viruses:-

They don't have a cellular organization and contain only one type of nucleic acid ie either DNA or RNA but never both.

Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites.

They lack the enzymes necessary for protein and nucleic acid synthesis and are dependent on replication on the synthetic machinery of host cells.

They multiply by a complex process and not by binary fission.

Viruses can't be grown on any inanimate culture medium. Three methods are employed for the culture of viruses like inoculation into animals, embryonated eggs, or tissue culture.

Viruses are not affected by antibacterial antibiotics.


Size of virus: 20 - 300 nm

The smallest virus is parvovirus, 20 nm 

The largest virus is poxvirus, 300 nm.

The most active antiviral disinfectants are:

Oxidizing agent: 

hydrogen peroxide
Potassium permanganate

Virucidal agent: 

Chlorine ( chlorinated water)
Viruses are also inactivated by sunlight, UV rays, and ionizing radiations.

            Please wear a mask to protect yourself
            किरपिया मास्क पहने ख़ुद को बचाएँ ।

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